Recently, attended a discource titled "Lalitha Sahasranamam - A vendantic perspective" by Shri. Swami Tattvavidananda, a desciple of Pujya Shri. Dayananda Saraswathi Swami.
The interesting thing in all these Sahasranamams (1000 names or lord / Godess) is that these names belong to the three categories. 1. Mythology (has a story behind), 2. Rituals , 3. Philosophical.
Some names are given to the lord as he took those mythological forms, some for the rituals being performed to make him / her happy and the last is the vedantic or philosophical manifestation of the lord. I recite vishnu sahasranamam, but never thought in terms of these.
The interesting thing in all these Sahasranamams (1000 names or lord / Godess) is that these names belong to the three categories. 1. Mythology (has a story behind), 2. Rituals , 3. Philosophical.
Some names are given to the lord as he took those mythological forms, some for the rituals being performed to make him / her happy and the last is the vedantic or philosophical manifestation of the lord. I recite vishnu sahasranamam, but never thought in terms of these.