There are two types of people emphasized by Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam in his book "Wings of Fire" and in the movie "Signs" -M.Night Shyamalan.
Simply put, the first type of people take things as it comes and the second type believe that things could be better and strive to change it. According to Dr.Kalam, it is because of the second type of people that the world moves forward. However if you look detached from the issue at hand, either type of people experience the pain. The first type take the status quo as it is and suffer rather than change it for a better life. Whereas the second type don't agree with the current state of affairs and suffer in changing the status quo for a better life.
What is good / right for you? to be of type I or II? Life is a balancing act. But in order to know whether it is worth the effort, one needs to attempt. Without an attempt you would never know. So here comes the question when would one attempt, in what scenarios? There is a worldly order and everyone should grasp their role in that. Everthing on this earth has a meaning. One should identify oneself in the worldly order and how he/she fits in it. This is very subtle but this is the basis of when one should be type I or II. So the answer is not what but when? Once a person understands and gets the big picture and his / her role in the worldly order then the person would know and go with the flow of the order.
Based on your understanding of the big picture and your role in the worldly order you should make a plan for your life. In an interview in NPR by a woman who received a honorary award for community development in brooklyn, NY she mentioned "When you don't have a plan for your community; Believe me, There are others waiting with a plan for your community. So better you decide how you want your community to be."
This applies to every individual as well. So, do you have a plan?