Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Vadagalai vs. Thengalai

For a longtime, I wanted to know the difference between the two sects of Vaishanavites and it happened yesterday. I'm trying to get to continue the practice of reading Paramacharyas' - "Theivathin kural" few pages a day. He has mentioned this in the Second volume of the Seven volume series.

Its the difference in the way one surrenders to GOD ("Saranagathi"). Vadagalai proposes that one should hold on to GOD (like a monkey holding onto its mother) and shouldn't leave until he accepts while Thengalai proposes that one should let GOD handle it (like a cat carrying its baby) and guide one through and the individual doesn't have to do anything - just wait for it to happen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

while it is true of the saranagathi principle, the concept of dual vaishnavaism started late 10th century plus. The thengalaism goes by what is said in the Bhagavad Gita on one performing the duty and let god take care. While vadagalism aligns with the spirit of ramayana, gajendra motcham, etc where 'patrudal' of god's feet (padala vidham) is attributed too..

5:07 AM  

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